Michale wearing one of her original hats.

Michale wearing one of her original hats.

About designer Michale Crooks:

What’s the best way to accentuate your personal style? "Add a hat, of course," says Michale. From an early age, she was knitting and sewing … later adding embroidery, crocheting, and origami to her bag of tricks. But her hand-crafting skills alone can’t produce an amazing hat. She also supplies a sophisticated sense of color and pursues the finest details. Michale’s dream? She wants to see hats worn at any time, with any clothing, and she creates hats to be as comfortable and casual as jeans, as sleek as a fine suit, and as chic or unique as any special event. The options are limitless, just like your individual style.

Michale creates her hats at the Ballard Millinery Studio with five other Northwest milliners, and has studied with several milliners, including Izzie Lewis, Wayne Wichern, and Tina Giuntini, Their knowledge and skills have supported the development of her own, whimsical, yet classic designs.